The strongest part about my finished art piece is about my capital “L” that I have rotated in four different ways. I have it flipped 90 degrees clockwise, rotated at 180 degrees, vertically, horizontally. I have letter flipped different ways two times each because of a shadow effect behind the original “L” that is in purple. Which is why this is my strongest part about my art piece. The part where I can improve my art piece is if I added more to it around the four capital “L” where there is some open spaces between them. So that some attention when u first look at it can go to the sides of the letter. The tools I used for my piece are the move tool, transform tool, and the 3D tool. What was easy about this art activity is when I had to move the letters around different places because of the move tool. The most difficult thing about the art piece is when I finished placing the shadow “L’s” I had to place over the ones in purple evenly on top of it. Things I demonstrated in my art...